Farm nutrient accounting for those that like as little mess as possible
Whole-farm NPK accounting that gives a field-by-field look at live nutrient balances
Stay up-to-date with regulations using comprehensive reports and daily logs
Weather and tile notifications for large rain events
Easy-to-use tools for simpler, more accurate nutrient records
Record and review from any phone, tablet, or desktop.
No need for a robust data connection.
Designed for busy producers that just want it done
Enterprise-level backend security
Track and document manure applications, exports, pesticide use, fertilizer applications, crop yields, and other required permit information.
Download sample reportFarmCycle is designed for the producer or consultant to manage their own records remotely.
Built around the perpetually busy producer, FarmCycle makes importing data a walk in the parlor.
FarmCycle works out of the box with only a single field and manure source.
Field-by-field summaries, soil nutrient balances, and all other data can be exported quickly.
Streamlined manure application records with a focus on ease-of-use and in-field accessiblity
Neucadia is a software development company with over 10 years of on-farm experience handling manure and manure records for livestock producers both large and small
(989) 584-3466
121 Division
Carson City, MI 48811